Transformation Management

SSC supports you in the development of successful concepts

The approaches of Strategic Service Consulting help companies to answer the following questions, among others:

  • How should the change be implemented at a procedural, organizational, IT and technical level?
  • How should stakeholders, opinion leaders and the business environment be involved in the change?
  • What measures are necessary for successful change at employee level?
  • What corporate cultural adjustments are necessary and how should these be implemented?

Should resource bottlenecks arise in the course of the change, our experienced consultants can support you with interim management.

Establishing the developed concepts in the company together

A large number of concepts promise fundamental improvements, but their implementation then shows predominantly sobering results. Even when concepts have been developed correctly in terms of content, this effect can be observed regularly. Studies show that over 60% of projects fail to achieve their objectives.

The reasons for this often lie in an implementation that is not consistently planned and pursued and in the concentration on a purely factual question. Stakeholders and employees as acting persons are not taken into account, nor is the compatibility of the corporate culture.

Our approach to successful change is therefore holistic; we accompany the change in your company in four dimensions:

Fact-based Change

The core of fact-based change is the detailing and implementation of the concepts developed. We support you in consistently managing the implementation project and thus maintaining momentum. In addition, we also address the many smaller and larger issues that regularly need to be resolved as part of a change.

Political change

In actuality, decisions aren't solely grounded in rational considerations; every transformation inherently involves a shift in power dynamics within the organization. Consequently, we delve into the unique power relations of the company and factor in their impact when initiating change efforts.

Cultural Change

Corporate cultures have developed over time, becoming deeply ingrained. To effectively introduce change using suitable methods, it's crucial to possess a precise understanding of the current culture. We're pleased to assist you in this endeavor, aiding in articulating the change concept to all employees through a well-defined vision and consistent communication.

Employee Change

A commonality among your employees is a sense of mistrust or even a fundamental resistance to change. Therefore, at SSC, we prioritize transparent communication regarding the necessity and advantages of the proposed changes. We provide tailored solutions to proactively address and diminish potential resistance. Moreover, we are eager to assist you in fostering the required commitment and establishing the technical prerequisites and freedom necessary for successful implementation.

Get in touch

Let's explore the vision you have for your organization. Contact us to start a conversation!

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